Google is the best search engine now.every one know it.We can do so many things with google.There are some funny google tricks also.Let's see what they are
1. Go to google and search for
" Play PacMan on Google "
Click on first result
2.Go to google and search for
"Google gravity"
Click on first result
3.Go to google and search for
" Epic Google "
Click on first result
4.Go to google and search for
" Weenie Google "
Click on first result
5.Go to google and search for
" Elgoog "
Click on first result
6.Go to google and search for
" Google Hacker "
Click on first result
7.Go to google and search for
" Do a Barrel Roll "
8.Go to google and search for
" Tilt "
9.Go to google and search for
" Google Sphere "
Click on first result
10.Go to
11.Go to google and search for
" Annoying Google "
Click on first result
12.Go to
Enter your name in the given space
13.Go to google and search for
" Google Gothic "
Click on first result
14.Go to google and search for
" Google 133t "
Click on first result
15.Go to google and search for
" ewmew fudd "
Click on first result
16.Go to google and search for
" xx-klingon "
Click on first result
17.Go to google and search for
" xx-klingon "
Click on first result